8 Things Cause a Blood Taste In Your Mouth, According to Doctors

We’ve all had the sensation of tasting blood in our mouths at some point. Your mouth may have tasted metallic if you’ve bitten or chewed on a piece of food, injured yourself with your braces, or flossed too violently.

However, have you ever experienced the unsettling feeling of tasting that iron tang on your tongue while you weren’t hurting yourself?

It’s been a long since I’ve seen somebody on TikTok talk about how they taste their blood when they run. If you’ve ever had that metallic taste in your mouth after working out at a high intensity, it’s possible that you, too, have had that sensation.

Nevertheless, it is not the leading cause of the flavor. You may experience blood or metallic taste in your mouth for one of the following reasons: whether or not it’s anything to be concerned about.

Blood Taste In Your Mouth

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The woman slows down while running and moves her tongue to taste something, writing that she tastes blood in the TikTok video.

Then, a doctor who described himself as an emergency physician explained why this occurs. Many of the videos on TikTok are fictitious, but a physician in Fort Worth, Texas, Lisa Lewis, MD, says this one is true.

The disintegration of red blood cells, she explains to Health, “is thought to be connected to the release of minute quantities of iron in the lungs.

” Inflamed regions in the mouth, nose, or throat may also generate a metallic taste in the mouth when a person is exerting out and breathing deeply.”

Dr. Lewis points out that this is especially typical in locations with drier and colder climatic conditions.
When asked why she thought she tasted blood, the runner in the TikTok video said she did so because she was out of shape.

Even if this isn’t always the case, Dr. Lewis suggests taking a break and checking if you have any visible blood in your mouth. The best course of action is to see a doctor if the taste or real blood continues.


When the pandemic initially began, one of the most often reported symptoms was a loss of taste. However, the condition may also cause a loss of flavor.

Doctor Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, an internist in New York City, told Health that some people infected with COVID-19 complain of a metallic taste in their mouth.

After getting COVID-19, one 59-year-old lady said that the meals she generally preferred tasted “bland and metallic.” This was reported by physicians in Philadelphia.

Doctor Okeke-Igbokwe says the pathophysiology of this symptom in patients with COVID-19 is still being explored, so it’s unclear why certain people have experienced it.

According to Dr. Lewis, the good news is that research is now showing that this is not a long-term issue. According to experts in Philadelphia, it took nearly two weeks for the woman’s metallic taste to go gone after she first noticed it.

You don’t have to be infected with a virus-like COVID-19 to experience this. According to Dr. Lewis, blood in the mouth may be caused by bacterial infections.

Fortunately, if you treat the condition appropriately, you’ll be able to address this issue.

Supplements and medications

Is there a new drug that you’ve lately been taking? You may have increased your intake of vitamins and supplements.

If you’re tasting blood, it’s possible that one of those medications is to blame for the crimson taste on your tongue and lips.

In addition to antibiotics and antidepressants, Dr. Lewis mentions blood pressure and diabetic drugs as possible sources of blood taste.

“A blood taste adverse effect may be caused by multivitamins, particularly ones containing heavy metals or iron.”

Fortunately, if the sour taste is caused by your medication, it is unlikely to be a serious issue and may even go away with time.

According to Dr. Lewis, if the taste continues, it should be handled with your healthcare provider.

Blood Taste In Your Mouth

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If you suffer from allergies, you know how disruptive and aggravating they can be to your everyday life. They can convert even the happiest spring days into a sneezing and eye-watering experience for you and your pet.

They may potentially do severe damage to your teeth. According to Dr. Lewis, a metallic taste on the tongue might be caused by allergies.

Medications used to treat allergies (such as antihistamines) may create a metallic taste and a dry mouth. ”

Syndrome of Pine Nuts

Quite particular, this one. It’s not frequent, but some individuals who consume pine nuts have this side effect.

Doctor Okeke-Igbokwe states, “There have been historical cases of persons reporting a metallic taste in their mouth for a few days after pine nut eating.

As far as we know, the change in the tongue only lasts for a brief period, and it isn’t apparent why this happens to just a few people.

Those who suffer from pine nut syndrome often have a bitter metallic taste 12 to 48 hours after consuming pine nuts, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

When paired with other foods, the flavor is frequently enhanced and lasts for two to four weeks. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have shown a correlation between the condition and the eating of Pinus Armandii nuts, but no triggers or shared underlying medical reasons have been discovered in those afflicted by this syndrome.


Pregnancy, more than any other life event, has the power to transform your body in profound ways, altering everything from your appetite to the regularity with which you use the bathroom.

For those who have experienced pregnancy, you know that it may affect your senses as well. A metallic aftertaste is prevalent during pregnancy, and according to Dr. Okeke-Igbokwe, this is most likely owing to the hormonal changes that occur during this time.

Dr. Lewis explains that, even though specific pregnancy-induced alterations might be permanent, this one usually goes away on its own.

Dental hygiene issues

Using a toothbrush with soft bristles and brushing for two minutes twice a day is recommended by the American Dental Association.

Yes, it’s understandable if you get behind on something every now and again. The repercussions of not practicing basic oral hygiene, such as poor breath, cavities, and even a bloody taste in the mouth, may be severe.

“If a person does not brush their teeth on a regular basis, they may develop gingivitis or periodontitis, which is inflammation or shrinking of the gum tissue.”

“A metallic taste in the tongue may occur from the changed architecture of the oral tissue in certain circumstances.”

Blood Taste In Your Mouth

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Neurological disorders

You may notice a taste of blood in your mouth for various causes that are not severe or curable. However, there are some more important causes for this.

For example, Bell’s palsy (a facial paralysis suspected to be caused by a viral infection) and dementia are both known to be linked with altered taste, or what Dr. Lewis refers to as a “metallic taste.”

Neurological disorders may cause a metallic taste in the mouth because of weak brain impulses.

Do you know when this symptom could start to show up for you? As Dr. Lewis points out, “Although there have been a few cases when a metallic or bloody taste in the mouth was the initial indicator of neurological illness, taste changes are often seen with other neurological symptoms.” Don’t assume that you have a neurological disorder if you taste blood.

When blood is in your mouth, should you see a doctor?

Even if you don’t believe the underlying reason is significant, don’t merely ignore the taste of blood in your mouth.

Dr. Lewis urges you to seek medical attention if you notice that you are tasting blood, mainly if you are unsure of the cause.

In most cases, a bad taste is nothing to worry about. Dr. Lewis points out that “some persons sadly have an acute disease or multiorgan medical problems that may generate a metallic taste in the tongue.”

According to Dr. Lewis, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) in diabetes is an example of an illness that may have this impact.

A person with diabetes should immediately check their blood sugar and follow their doctor’s instructions if they experience this symptom.

According to Dr. Lewis, chemical exposure may also be to blame for the patient’s taste sensitivity. There may be additional symptoms present and visible, according to Dr. Lewis, if you do have a metallic taste in your tongue as a result of one of the more severe causes listed above.

“It’s essential to get a medical examination to verify there are no severe health concerns that need to be addressed,” she says, even if you continue to experience the taste on your own.

Keep Reading: Blood Taste In Your Mouth

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